
Thursday, November 12, 2009

On being a mother

The thing about being a good, kind, caring full time stay at home mother, about doing your job really well is that you can't talk about your successes to other people because all of your achievements belong in the end to your children.

Lets take potty training for instance and all those times you had to drop EVERYTHING you were doing and rush the child to the toilet so you didn't end up scrubbing the carpet with a wire brush and Dettol for the fourth time that day. And then one day, A. WHOLE. MONTH. LATER, the penny suddenly drops, their bladder has more control they get the whole potty training thing but it's too late as you've worn your right hand down to a stub and your carpet smells like your cat has invited all the neighbours cats in for a piss fest in the beds and rooms of your house.

Well, I'm going to break protocol here and blow my own trumpet a little and let you know about the hours I spent with Audrey (7 years old) teaching her to read, to spell, to find the letters on the computer keyboard and about how delighted I was that the changing of font size finally sunk in when she handed me this letter the other day after the ice cream van had left our road.


Susanne Iles said...

sugar and spice and oh-so-clever...i know it must have been painful to receive the note..but I loved her creativity.

Just goes to show how good a mom you REALLY are.She isn't afraid to voice her 7 year-old-in-the-heat-of-the-moment opinion because she loves and trusts you and knows you will always be there for her.

Coastal Aussie said...

All your children appear to be so creative, they must get a lot of that from you. You are doing a great job... that letter is a poem, a song, and artwork.

Nic said...

Oh jeez louise.

patty said...

isn't motherhood a wonderful thing!!!

Aud said...

and hey she's only covered half the day with hate. There is still room for all the love in the afternoon and of course she loves you while she dreams the night away. Naughty lil fecker

Jo said...

Oh honey!

I got this from the two yearold yesterday.

I hate you!
I hate you! I am going downstairs!

I am hating you...

I am hating you downstairs

I hate you upstairs!!

I guess it's our job to let them hate us. We'redoing a good job!

The fact that I anticipated I love yous and ladybirds made this all the funnier when I looked closer!

Ellen said...

Happy holidays, Ellen!

--The other Ellen

KASEY said...

I hope your family had a great holiday season and I hope you continue to blog in the new year. I love your posts about your family, your art and life in Ireland.

zara james said...

Hows motherhood getting on? Doesnt it totally change your life?